Oh, Blogger, I had something so witty to intro this post, and you did an auto-save right after I accidentally deleted it. Of course, I can't remember what it was. Something about deciding against making a "Get Lucky" banner. Oh well, here's my new banner. Clicky, clicky to get it.
Based on the popularity of my Conversation Heart Math activity, I created one for St. Patrick's Day by using Lucky Charms.
In keeping with the St. Patrick's Day train of thought, I found this cute Leprechaun Search at A Cupcake for the Teacher. She has a cute downloadable version. However, I wanted to do something a little more school-wide, where my students could team up and (hopefully) demonstrate their PBIS skills during their search. I also needed to get them away from our hallway so that I could get the "treasure" in their lockers before they finished the search!
I started off with a message for the whole class that I could project on the board.
Then everyone's first clue.
On the bottoms of the chairs of one member in each group will be their first clue. While all groups will have the same clues, they will be in a different order and maybe in different spots in that location. I made clues in seven different colors for the seven different trios that I will have. That way they know what color clue to look for and take. This will take a lot of pre-planning on my part, but hey, I have 2 weeks! (One week now...) I also color-coded the groups so that staff members could tell me which group colors were showing respect, responsibility, and integrity. Those groups will earn a PBIS buck! By the time they reach the end, I will have stashed the "treasure" in one of the group member's locker. The treasure is a bag of Starburst Jelly Beans and Rolos for each person with this tag on it.
I was thinking about listing them for sale in my TpT store, but would that be a copyright violation since I basically used someone else's idea? I mean, I changed the clues, but everything else is pretty similar. Or not?
And finally something craftsy. I had every intention of crocheting these hearts myself, but turns out I'm not that good. So my mom made many of these for my daughter to use with her Valentines. However, my daughter loved them so much that she kept all twenty-four. You can find the crocheting instructions {here}.
If you haven't heard yet, I created a state blog linky. If you follow me, then you are probably pretty tired of hearing about this! Sorry! But the more people that link up, the more helpful it is :) So click below my blog banner to go link up! Then grab the button for your state to display on your blog and link it back to that page.
I am incredibly amazed by how successful this has been. I hope that every one of you gets to fulfill your life-long dream of an area blogger meet-up. Maybe that's just my life-long dream. Or at least my six-month-long dream. Or something that I think would be really cool.
I am still recruiting players for my March Madness giveaway. If you have ever filled out a bracket (or even if you haven't), sign up and enter to win an ever-growing list of prizes! There are only a few more days to indicate your interest!
In other news, my state testing begins tomorrow! Wish

I *think* you could sell it. I remember reading something about that on the TpT forums. You can use an idea for inspiration, but change it so it is unique for you. Are your clues generic enough that anyone in any school could use them?
ReplyDeleteMy Kinder-Garden
I love your blog by state link up and I am not even American!
ReplyDeleteI have wrote a blog post about it to get more people to link up.
Happy Tuesday!
I agree, I think you could sell it also. Can you give credit to the person who's idea it was? Then you are covered....just my opinion!
A Primary Owl
I love the leprechaun clue idea. So cute! That's okay about the Michigan thing. Just something I noticed. Thanks for hosting the state linky!
Fun in ECSE